Please help me out!

How do I delete projects for custom levels on CodeCombat Editor, also, when I try to make a thang, when I put in a name, it says,“Forbidden”.

Don’t have a way to delete levels yet; why do you want to delete it?

We haven’t yet opened up ThangType creation to anyone because we don’t have a good way of managing the permissions, and it’s pretty tricky to get them all hooked up. What kind of Thang did you want to make?

I wanted to make a Diamond Hammer. I also want do delete levels because I make huge mistakes on them.

You can always go back to an earlier version of a level with the version history in the upper right, or repurpose it into another level by deleting all the Thangs out of it and adding the ones you want.

What would the diamond hammer do? If it’s an item that people can buy, we need to be able to control the item economy so that it doesn’t get unbalanced, but maybe we are thinking of making a hammer like that anyway. (We have some hammers on our item list that aren’t implemented yet.)

The Diamond Hammer should be able to build a new type of fence, called the Security System, which will take 5.245 seconds to build, if any type of threat is detected by the Security System, lasers will be shot at the threat.

Also, am I able to change the name for a level?

Hehe, we don’t have lasers quite yet. We are going to get some new beam art for various magic projectiles soon, though. Maybe we can make some cool laser stuff then.

You can change the name of a level by editing it in the Settings tab for that level.