[SOLVED] Rebellion level help PLZ

Hi, i just found this level called rebellion and i cant beat it. Illia has 8000HP!
here is my code:

enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
while True:
    if enemy:
    elif pet.isReady("shape-shift"):
    elif hero.canCast("drain-life", target):
        hero.cast("drain-life", enemy)
    elif hero.canCast("chain-lightning", target):
        hero.cast("chain-lightning", enemy)
    elif hero.canCast("earthskin", target):
        hero.cast("earthskin", hero)
    elif hero.isReady("bash"):

Here is the link:

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also, how do your change your equipment?

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I know that you now know how to change the equipment thanks to @Deadpool198. What hero qnd what gear are you using?


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Im using the best gear and tharin.
PS: wanted to change my code to building bear traps so here it is:
PPS: did not steal this idea from you

hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 12, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 13, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 12, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 13, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 14, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 13, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 15, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 15, 27)

hero.moveXY(12, 14)
hero.moveXY(49, 27)

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Do you have the belt that builds bear traps equiped?


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yup, how much do paladins cost?

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80 gold each. But try to summon archers because of the better damage and build the bear traps in a while true loop.


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Screenshot 2020-07-15 at 11.17.46
my equipment
new code:

# Should fill in some default source
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 12, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 13, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 12, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 13, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 14, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 13, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 15, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 15, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 14, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 13, 26)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 15, 26)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 15, 25)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 14, 26)
hero.moveXY(12, 14)
hero.moveXY(20, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 15, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 17, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 17, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 16, 28)
hero.moveXY(25, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 17, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 19, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 19, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 18, 28)
hero.moveXY(30, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 19, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 21, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 21, 27)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 20, 28)
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", 21, 27)
paladin = hero.findFriends()
while True:
    if hero.gold >= hero.costOf("paladin"):
        enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy
        if enemy:
            hero.command(paladin, "attack", enemy)
        elif paladin.health < paladin.maxHealth / 2:
            hero.command(paladin, "heal", paladin)
        elif hero.health < hero.maxHealth / 2:
            hero.command(paladin, "heal", hero)
            while True:
                hero.command(friend, "shield")
        hero.cast("invisibility", hero)

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i know, but paladins can heal you

80 gold each. But try to summon archers because of the better damage and build the bear traps in a while true loop.

what exactly do you mean by that?

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while True:
    if hero.gold >= hero.costOf("paladin"):
        enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy
        if paladin.health < paladin.maxHealth / 2:
            hero.command(paladin, "heal", paladin)
        elif hero.health < hero.maxHealth / 2:
            hero.command(paladin, "heal", hero)
            while True:
                hero.command(friend, "shield")
    elif hero.gold >= hero.costOf("archer"):
        archer = hero.findFriends()
        enemy = archer.findNearestEnemy
        if enemy:
            hero.command(archer, "attack", enemy)
        hero.cast("invisibility", hero)

how about this?

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with the bear traps (20chars)

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I am not teasing the solution a lot, but here are a little hints and the strategy with what I completed the level with 0 health lost:

If you build the traps and summon and command the archers in a while true, then your job is easier (if you want more damage than that, equip the saber that strikes from 7 meters) qnd you also need a good distraction while you are invisible (peasants can also build decoys).

Have fun completing the level and good luck!


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ok ill try to edit my code

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i really need help
here is my new code:

enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()
hero.buildXY("bear-trap", enemy.pos.x, enemy.pos.y)
hero.moveXY(22, 14)
hero.moveXY(20, 28)
while True:
    if hero.gold >= hero.costOf("archer"):
        friend = hero.findFriends()
        enemy = friend.findNearestEnemy
        if enemy:
            while True:
                hero.command(friend, "attack", enemy)

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You should delete the second while true loop.


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still does not work, my hero does not command the archers and illia breaks out of the bear traps

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Then try to not use my strategy anymore and create one new yourself as I did.


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plus, it is really hard to kill a perfectly coded hero with 8000 HP

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also, you cannot build and attack at the same time

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I don’t believe anyone who has gone through the forest on their own (and there really are very difficult levels) is able to create this masterpiece code:

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