Woah, no need to go that far! Why don’t we just take a moment to think about this situation.
@AnSeDra, make sure you stay civil in all your responses, however you feel inside. You (as a Regular) should be a role model for newer users.
@Mumbo_6, I think “insulting” is a bit strong. Again, as I said to Andrei, there’s no need to get overly angry about these (to be perfectly honest) very trivial problems.
Do I detect some sarcasm? I really think your contributions (especially technical ones) are very useful to members of this forum, but please don’t jump in and make a situation worse than it already is.
@Mumbo_6, if you want me to help you (I’m perfectly willing to), please start from the beggining and explain your problem. (I haven’t been following this thread and I don’t intend to waste my time any further trying to decode all of your responses (that’s all three of you).
I think you may all need a refresher on the rules of the forum.