I keep dying on Signal Corpse, I think my code is fine - I just can’t kill all of the enemies before the time runs out. I am using cleave as often as possible and have the best gear I can have for free mode at this stage.
My code is:
while True:
green = hero.findFlag(“green”)
black = hero.findFlag("")
nearest = hero.findNearestEnemy()
if green:
elif black and hero.isReady("cleave"):
elif nearest and hero.distanceTo(nearest) < 10:
# Attack!
What gear do you have? I think I bought Painted Steel Breastplate, or a new helmet, at this point in order to brute force the level with that same code. Every time I go through the game, I purchase PSB as soon as I can’t get through a level with regular code. It’s the best gem to HP purchase in mid-tier.
I remember my frustration with this level and with flags. Are you Pashik? If you have the same armor as in “Mind the trap” I think you will not succeed. I tried just now and failed with your armor - buy better equipment.
Я помню свое разочарование с этим уровнем и с флагами. Если у тебя та же броня, что и в “Mind the trap”, я думаю, у тебя ничего не получится. Я только что попробовал и потерпел неудачу с твоей броней - купи лучшее снаряжение.
Cleave doesn’t work because you didn’t provide any arguments. What are you going to cleave?
Клив не работает, потому что вы не предоставили никаких аргументов. Что ты собираешься расколоть?
I see another error without running your code. You are searching ‘nearest’ but you are attacking ‘enemy’.
Я вижу еще одну ошибку без запуска вашего кода. вы ищете ближайший 'nearest , но вы атакуете врага ‘enemy’.
while True:
green = hero.findFlag("g")
black = hero.findFlag("b")
nearest = hero.findNearestEnemy()
if green:
elif black and hero.isReady("cleave"):
# Руби!
elif enemy and hero.distanceTo(enemy) < 10:
# Атаку
enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy()