self.moveXY(55, 14)
self.moveXY(92, 9)
# Build a "fire-trap" on the red X.
# Move back to the wooden X to avoid the blast.
# Wait for the peon to investigate the shiny fire trap.
# Enter the camp and lay fire traps on each red X.
# Yell for your troops to retreat. (Hint: use say.)
# Flee back to the far left wooden X rally point.
self.buildXY("fire-trap", 93, 19)
self.moveXY(80, 5)
self.moveXY(55, 15)
enemy = self.findNearestEnemy()
if (enemy):
self.moveXY(80, 6)
self.buildXY("fire-trap", 90, 53)
self.buildXY("fire-trap", 60, 63)
self.say("Come get me!!!")
self.moveXY(79, 6)
self.moveXY(0, 9)
If it is not on the map when you start then it appears on the map once you get to needing it. So when finished and all your units are standing around wondering where to go . . . look to the “far left” for a “wooden X”.