Student vs Free differences

@Mythbadger I am sure the staff has better answers then I but I believe from what I read so far I might have some answers:

Read this post: Still very confused about what needs to be paid for
[updated link: 2016-09-02 15:49EST]

1. What is the difference between the free mode and the course mode in terms of levels available?

- I think the course mode gives access to specific levels and training material so that when in a teaching environment the students are following a specific course of levels. If there are level overlaps, specific teaching levels not available without the course mode I am not sure.

- The free mode currently allows one to access 5 campaign worlds with over two hundred levels. As well as 4 additional Campaign worlds for Web Development and Game Development


2. if students sign up as part of my class (and join the course mode), can they still access the free mode

- Yes. Free mode should be available period. I don’t see any reason why one would not be able to play the free levels.


3. As a student in the course mode, can they sign up for the “Adventurer” option to play test levels?

- This one has confused me as well. From what I can gather the “signup” might be a checkbox that requests level emails when new levels are being developed. But I have not seen any level content in my inbox.

- Anyone can play test levels anytime. To be an “Adventurer” follow facebook/twitter and the forums Artisan posts for new level submissions that are available. And just play them posting or messaging thoughts after you are done.

For example this is a post from someone submitting comments on a level: Burlbole Grove - adventurer feedback

I don’t see where there is any registered group of adventurers, it feels more like you just perform such a role and contribute.

- The same applies for the other roles defined on the wiki. Just start helping and posting to the forums.