Lets GOOOOOOOO I got my first mushroom and Dragon tame!
Sry I really dont know how to edit pics on a Mac –__– Anybody know who 12345 is?
Is that the username?
Yes. I got a weir friend request
Also Mario Who are these peeps?
There’s an electric sheep now!
Ik. I dont like it too much, its really only op with fox
I haven’t played in a couple days but when I do play I GRIND.
Bruh then new hats are amazing. I Been grinding hold just to look cool in them
I might grind later… Idk yet.
Yo can anyone play in about 6 hours? I’ll most likely be on then
My in game name will be the blade, but my player name is luki
I have school sry. We are going back to hybrid learning so here is my schedule for when I’m in school or not. I can play In 10 hours again. Itsma weird schedule, so you might want to take a screenshot. Currently its „week A“ for me:
Week A:
Monday: home schooling
Tuesday & Wednesday: in-person school
Thursday &Friday: home schooling.
Week B:
Monday: in-person school
Tuesday & Thursday: home schooling
Thursday & Friday: in-person school.
I dont wanna get off-topic this is just information, when I can play or not
Ill see you in ten hours
I might not be able to play then cause of homework. That can wait xD. I need 3.9 mil more points until ice badge
Wow, so if you play let’s just grind bosses
I also really wanna unlock dragon
I can play now, sorry the bus had a little traffic. @lukas31?
I play taming.io but I am only electric badge rn since I just started.
If you guys wanna join and talk