Taming.io topic

@JoPro_8000 hasn’t posted anything for 3 years. I don’t think they are going to answer.

I am a girl so I am texting and stuff so yeah

Do you want to friend me?

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Hi @Madelyn_VanHouten! Welcome to the CodeCombat Discourse! This is a safe place to chat and ask for level help. Before you begin your journey, could you please go through our rules that make this discourse an awesome place? It helps us all :grin:

Speaking of which, in our rules it says that necroposting isn’t allowed on here, so please avoid responding to users that haven’t been online in a while.


okay will do that thanks and hi


yes I will like to friend you

I suck at this game

my highest score is 211 000

can someone donate gapples plz

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Hello @Dark_Lord, welcome to the community! Please read the rules and remember to be kind. Also please do not ask for gapples.

What is ur name in taming


what is ur player id


ok I sent a request
accept it now

I did

one day ill play taming.io again and finally get 50 dragoons

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the dead has risen!!! Hey Lukas :grin: