Cuz im the goat
I thought you where a birb
How do you tame pets like dragons, so easily? Do you just play all day to get dragons?
Skill he’s simply the birb
I used to play and grind back when there was only 2-3 seasons, so each cycle would be a lot closer (20 mins if I remember correctly) And dragons where my favourite so I would grind them.
And now there is 6 seasons, I think.
Dude base is crazy GOAT
i really miss taming and its sad because i can never play it again due to not having enough time for it
im a retired ice badge
I’ve only made it to combat badge.
im ice badge and have 45 pets unlocked
I can only play taming io when my family visits for my cousins house. sad. I’m a retired taming io player now. I used to grid ALOT and got to bug badge then I summer break came (yes, I’m in school) and got me back down to normal.
hey, what’s rexdogs ult
same lol I feel bad 4 both of us
rex dog takes off peoples hats (helmuts season hats Marloun ect and create birds with like the same mechanic as dragon fairy abilty it makes more birds the more enemy’s it hits
ok thx 20 carsssssss