There is also the fact that everyone on this world is weird.
You are dyslexic. Almost all of Marmite’s responses are memes or sound robotic (not that I hate that but from someone else that can be considered weird. Do not stop being yourself otherwise you won’t be Marmite anymore >:( ). I have not studied for a test (except maybe a couple) in my entire life (which I regret and children do not follow my example).
And what makes her a bad person?? She makes music that she loves, and other people have similar opinions. The reason she is held so high is because her beliefs are like others, but she has been the one to make a statement and face other people’s criticism. (like you)
Don’t nitpick my word choices, and I know for a FACT that you have said that. I will have the wiki bot look or look myself if you insist on proof.
ok ok mabye ive been a bit too harsh but i just hate how our society has put taylor swift on a throne and said she is an amazing person and also don’t like it when people think she cares about them because she does not all they are to her is another person to give her money
It was, but my point’s that CodingCrusader never actually stated that she’s overrated (in my opinion). Although you’re right that he was quite disrespectful
shes a human but its not like she writes the songs she just sings them shes just in it for the money. shes human just not a better human than anyone else
Okay fine let’s think about it like this:
It’s always been one of my personal dreams to become successful in the singer-songwriter pop industry. If wanted to be successful, I would have to put out my beliefs and opinions out in the real world (where people are going to disagree with me), write music that is actually personal, and have “fans” (I personally don’t want to think about it like that).