Code combbt lver here. Wondering if anyone else on the discourse is a swiftie like me? So glad my king taylor G. swift gets to be smol gurl with travis kelce cause he’s large boy, but youj berrer watch out travis cause if you disrespect taylor you disrespect me:(
Not to be rude but I absolutely hate Taylor Swift
If you have nothing nice to say don’t say it at all
Do not argue with me codingcrusador
It is a topic about Taylor Swift not a topic about positive things about Taylor Swift
Me thinks your a bit over obsessed with Taylor Swift she’s just a person
She’s ok. She has a good voice and decent songs but I believe she is definitely over glorified. While I don’t mind listening to her songs, I’m not going out of my way to memorize them
I dislike the celebrity worship of our society since all celebrities r just humans. Also a lot of her songs r inappropriate and I also believe their is a lot of demonic influence
For the LAST TIME your going to start another war.
If I do then so be it but another war should not start because of me stating my opinion
YOU are stating your opinion that is AGAINST the point of this topic AND you are being slightly rude about it
State your opinion elsewhere on a topic where people want to know it and it will not anger others
If it is rude then I apologize but it is a topic about Taylor Swift so I can say things against Taylor Swift in it
Okay mister.
Time for a life lesson.
Let’s look at the first message of this topic:
Any rational being can deduct that Iver here quite loves Ms. Swift (I am going to address her respectfully and not by the slang or her first name) meaning that they (idk your pronouns) wants this topic to be about the positives of her.
SO. What should someone do here?
- Be respectful about his preferences and the fact that they are a “swiftie”
- Do NOT be rude and start saying how you think she is overrated and should be obsessed over
- Politely discuss each others beliefs, if you want to.
- Most importantly: DO NOT START A WAR
And this goes with other things as well: If someone starts talking positively about something (even if it’s a little too much) don’t go crushing them and saying about how bad she is and how they shouldn’t be doing this or that
Who says they’re worshiping her? They can just think of her highly. She is obviously more talented than most people.
No, they are not. Please listen to her other clean songs. They are not inapproiate, most of them are just about love or other things based on her beliefs.
Okay, seriously? Someone is definitely going to take offense to that. There is no demonic influence. And if you really want to look at it like that, then almost everything has demonic influence. Satan is everywhere.
That should not be the first reply on their topic. How would you feel if you made a topic about something you love and first thing someone says is “I hate that”?
sorry man I was yapping my mind out
No problem lol, the most thought-out response I can usually ever give is a low-effort meme
Did I ever say she is over rated? I just said she should not be obsessed over
She just makes music and she is not exactly a good person so I see no reason to hold her higher than anyone
Their is a lot of weird stuff about her
There’s a lot of weird stuff about most famous people. It’s not them, it’s the people who claim those (often incorrect) things.
Of course, if you have any counter-examples to share, please do share them.