Topic for Duolingo

Chicken 14 this is my new alt so I am in the bronze league… Can all you guys follow this profile???

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I followed you on my main and alt acc :slight_smile:

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No, just in case I lose the password

But why don’t you just make a new account then :skull:

Huh, I don’t understand

(@)iggymaster99 was saying why i have an alt account :skull:

I know but why would you need a alt account when you only gonna use it if you lose your password you could just make a new account then

I did I have 2 other alts

yeehaw your making no sense

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No he makes perfect sense.

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He has a few alts in case he looses one Thats about it!

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but can’t he just do forgot password ;-;

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Different e-mails I don’t use anymore

oh all that makes sense


OMG this is so funny

@yeehaw did you see the friend quest??? Not on immastar but lCiRzl

No, but I will log in!

Nvm, you did it all lol

Guys, I found out there is a website to look at all of your stats :open_mouth: