Topic for Fortnite

yea will do once im free
Idk but it feels like i have no free time anymore
probably cuz i just watch dbz in my free time :sweat_smile:

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In da ghetto is back I bought it now I’m broke again with 350 vbucks…

Do I need to touch grass

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Bro how. Already 109
I’m like level 5 or something :skull::skull:

Im level 113 actually.

Whats ur epic ill add u then we can play sometime

me who is lvl 40 ish thinking its good



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Bro I keep forgetting to check
Is it the same thing is my username?94 or is it my epic games account thing

Tell me ur username that appears when u play.

I am only something like level 37… but I guess that is because I only play on the weekends

Too my bad bro I forgot
I’ll pm it to u but I prolly won’t get in till winter break or thx giving break

Anybody else experience a bug where you lose your crown at the start of the game, still win but dont earn a crown at the end of the game???

Yes, you need to touch grass for a day straight and chill

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Pure Patheticness (yes, I just invented a word)

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Clip from yesterday:

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Wow, that is pretty cool and I quit playing Fortnite now.

lunky i cant play Fortnite because my switch is broke

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Unlocked first super style for spider Gwen, best one this season imo.

abc can u gift bat pas after i hit lvl hundo