mabye just mabye they don’t care about consumers and are just trying to capitalize on gambiling adicts
DEFINETLY, that’s another reason i hate the game, its mainly fan service, and its just pay to win.;…,.,
may i ask is the gameplay any good? cuz if it is i might try it out for a hour or so untill it gets grindy
the devs really did take their time to make the gameplay look very aesthetically pleasing, as well as the characters design, i would recommend playing it if your into looks of gameplay…
but ive heard the combat is basicly spam clicking until the enemy dies is that correct?
not really, if its characters like catalysts that may be the case, but you gotta strategize by switching characters often for the advantage of elemental reactions, so not really.
K i might try it out but prob not
im not realy a anime person and i also don’t realy like open world games i prefer game that are mostly linear