Topic for Personality Test

I’m just curious what people get ill pop mine down later.

Literally not surprised I rank a bit higher in psychopathy bc I need to learn how to control my emotions and anger a lot better than rn :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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thats not bad lol youre an angel compared to me.

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Finally a use for my library of Personality Test screenshots lol.

I have no idea how I got such a light score, maybe I answered some questions incorrectly…

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Why are people all so nice lol

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Yeah, well I’ve been working on my anger management a lot more recently. So I’ve gotten better. Marmites is crazy light! But why don’t you post yours instead of comparing us to your thus far non-existent chart?

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I never would have guessed you have anger issues (I do too but have been working on it) but psychopathy is a lack of ability to feel empathy

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Everyone be careful Lukas is manipulative


Okay I did not know I am such a narcissist

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I got all around stats

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I personally don’t agree with this because I am a very emotional person

I have absolutely no clue who can or can’t be useful to me so I argue with whoever I want

The only reason why I agreed with this is because that’s me

My parents aren’t exactly the best…

I get into moods where I’m like “I’m going to code something grand!” And then five minutes later I’m like “this is too much work”. Anyone else relate?

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Everyone does lol. Especially if you make New Year’s resolutions. I said to myself I was gonna start running through my neighborhood every day. Never happened. Didn’t even start💀.

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Once again psychopathy is a lack of emotion not a difficulty controlling your emotions

That’s what I said
I am very emotional


