Topic for polls and surveys... 3

Ok, I can see why you could put a u in color but flavor doesn’t make any sense. It literally has an or sound not an ur sound



Well it’s quite spiffing to know what others think, still, don’t you agree? Wot wot

Please allow me to fetch my spectacles…
:face_with_monocle: :point_up: Ackshually in Britain, where we spell it as ‘flavour’, we pronounce it “flay-vuh”


We really need a skull reaction

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Don’t you start :skull:

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The version of ‘actually’ used when someone is making a “nerd comment”. Used to emulate the lisp suggested by the prominent front incisors on the nerd_face emoji.

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Well my good fellow, “Ackshually” is a misspelling of “actually” used mostly online and meant to be ironic or sarcastic.

Here’s a breakdown of its meaning:

  • Literally: It’s a deliberate misspelling of “actually.”
  • Functionally: It conveys that the speaker is about to correct someone in a smug or condescending way.

It’s often used to mock someone who seems to think they’ve discovered something new or important, but it’s actually common knowledge.

For example:

  • Person 1: “Wow, I didn’t know the Earth goes around the sun!”
  • Person 2: “Ackshually, that’s been common knowledge for centuries.”
    My good fellow, I hope that this cleared up any misconceptions that you may of had.

Should Admins add a skull reaction?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
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Maybe we can convince them with a poll :grinning:

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This is better, disregard my comment lol

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Bro I just realized that nalfar and moonwatcher haven’t been active for like a while. They’re gonna have to go through a treasure trove of information to catch up on what’s been going on. :skull:


Well much of it has been deleted so they’re gonna have some trouble

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Hasn’t moonwatcher left indefinitely now?

I hope not
Thou was very nice

He has?

20 chars


(hmmm incomplete sentence momen-


Sorry I just have to close that bracket so that not everything I say in the future is an aside )

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Both passages on “ackshually” can be equally effective depending on the context and desired tone:

Passage 1 (Lukas):

  • Strengths: More broadly applicable. Explains the core meaning (sarcastic correction) and underlying purpose (mocking someone).
  • Weaknesses: Less specific. Doesn’t mention the “nerd” stereotype or pronunciation aspect.

Passage 2 (Toast):

  • Strengths: Targets a specific internet subculture (“nerd comments”). Provides a visual reference (nerd emoji) and pronunciation insight (lisp).
  • Weaknesses: Less broadly applicable. Doesn’t explain the general use for sarcastic corrections outside the “nerd” context.

How they can be equally effective:

  1. Audience: If your audience is familiar with internet memes and the “nerd” stereotype, passage 2 might be more relatable and humorous. If explaining “ackshually” in a broader context, passage 1 would be more suitable.
  2. Desired Tone: Passage 1’s lighthearted tone might be better for casual conversation. Passage 2 can be effective if you want to emphasize the specific “nerd” association and pronunciation.

In conclusion, both passages can be effective depending on the target audience and desired tone. Passage 1 offers a broader explanation, while passage 2 caters to a specific internet subculture. The best choice depends on the specific situation.

Alrighty enough Mr. Nerd Birb

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