Topic For Soda Drink Part 2

Hello this is part 2 olipop drink topic lets be nicer and more freindlier.

ya sorry for getting off topic i should not have done that

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Its okay plus dont worry ok lets talk about olipop

U wanted for me to rename it for soda so I will

olipop = i have not ever tryed

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Poppi is a drink like olipop and I also froze it (like 1 day ago) and forgot to take it out

idk how it looks like

cherry limeade flavor

ive also done that with strawberry lemon


This drink ends my faith in humanity.

What drink???

Olipop, no more are the days of vernors and sprite

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Honestly I’ve never been a soda guy so idc

It used to be like zero probiotics, just the carbonation bubbles making you think you felt better. It kinda feels like a idk, kinda weaker soda idk.

Although I have not tryed olli pop so I cannot pass judgement

coca-cola, pepsi, dr. pepper are all good sodas

I really like the Bucky’s cherry lime soda. :yum: :yum: :yum:

I know you guys see I don’t text that often but I just wanted to tell you I am not gonna text here. Bye

too bad why r u leaving. anyways bye