"Tundra Tower Cup" Bugs and Feedback

I think there is a bug as I have asked people to help me figure out the mistake in the code it seems to be perfect. Could you be so kind to fix this problem?

My telepathic abilities are weak when the moon is full :wink:

What’s the problem? What is enemy argument? How do you call this function? Do you check the argument data type? So many questions…

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I want to be able to teleport the enemies if they are within the range of 7 coordinates from HERO. Else the code should pull then bust at the coordinates (14, 52)

Ok. So what’s the problem? I don’t see the number 7 in your snippet. Also again – what is enemy argument? Check what you send in your function.

@Bryukh could you take a look at this? This might give ogres unfair advantage by seeing human-made anomalies on the frame they’re casted, while humans can only see ogre anomalies the frame after.

Why do you think so? The execution order is defined by the player ID, not by the team.

Huh, it might be the player ID then.
But I was testing while playing against myself and noticed that one player could detect anomalies a frame earlier. idk if its smth to be fixed though

I’ve changed the teleport logic a little so if a unit is affected by 2 teleports in the same time then the teleportation is applied once (as a middle of destination points).

As for the order of execution not sure what we can do as for now, I can add the same logic so players can see anomalies one frame later, but in this case we just flip the order.

is monster.target supposed to not be a protected property?

Yeah, I also wanted to access the guard’s target property but found it was protected :confused:

My guards were just stuck to the bottom right corner and I just loss the game because of this. This is a bug that happened to me multiple times.

Against what the opponent? Need more information

You can command the enemy guards (tested)

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can confirm

while True:
    enemyGuards = hero.findEnemyGuards()
    for enemy in enemyGuards:
        enemy.moveTowards(109, 11)
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Interesting. Was sure I’ve solved this problem from Colossus times :thinking:

about this one

is monster.target supposed to not be a protected property?

Could you please add the hasEffect(effect) function?

The exploit should be fixed and I hope I haven’t broken anything else :slight_smile:

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What’s the effect we are using?

I don’t remember. Do you need this?