Unlocking Heros

How do you unlock heros? I have completed all the available levels in the beginners, how do I unlock more heros?

The current heroes are locked until we release the new content we’re working on. We’re also going to make it more transparent exactly how to unlock each one!

i unlock hero “naria of the leaf” and it work one level but then again locked and want to buy it again

Arash, you have to buy Naria once you unlock her for purchase–are you saying you were able to play as her without buying her?

hi, i have about 1400 buy it first pay 1000 and then buy for it emerald chainmail and boltsaw and play some level that come open this week. but when i want to play previous level they say i should pay 2500 to let me play with it

Are you sure you didn’t unlock Amara? Amara costs 1000, Naria has always cost 2500.

no, it has ability of envenom hand hid i can play with it on mad man get greedy but for other level say should pay 2500 and before i don’t unlock but i have capability now i cannot.

Huh, I have no idea how you were able to load Naria for Mad Maxer Gets Greedy. You hadn’t even beaten Mad Maxer: Redemption before starting Mad Maxer Gets Greedy, right?

Hello, do you have to get close to the level to buy someone like Naria

no! "when you subscribe you just purchased"
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