What ranger should I buy?[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]
- Amara
- Senick
- Naria
What ranger should I buy?[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]
Can anyone make a poll? I can’t make a poll
0 voters
(changed cuz Amara s free if you get subscriber)
I don’t know who the guys are so I just voted someone random
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Should I buy Senick or wait for more votes?
wait for more votes generally i like ritic but Zana can be good for dodging wizard shots
Buy Senick, but ritic the cold is way better.
zana’s useless unless used for running away, lol.
nah her abilities can be pretty good if used on 1on1 combat plus gift of the trees plus her makes a powerful combo
Senick is OP but Naria is also OP what should I buy @cheddarcheese?
Senick, if you want to live longer. Naria if u want to have a glass cannon.
I will do senick, I have it already
Yeah, if you use hero.paralyze()
and hero.pacify()
correctly in a 1v1, the opponent will never hit you!