Who is your best hero?

It works for me. I just joined the team and equipped the charachter.

Wait what can you show an screenshot; I swear I tried before now after he was deleted and it didn’t work.
Edit: I just tried it and it still doesn’t work for me. I don’t have an active sub though so that may be it.


can anybody teach me how to get ned :crying_cat_face: (if its even possible)

Okay, here is how I did it, First I realized that I got Armando when I joined that guys team, and was surprised with my new hero, so hoping for more I decided to check other teams for potential benefits, I saw team Ned and joined it…To this day I have The Ned Fulmer!!!



@ChickenMaster can u pls post an ss of ned on your hero menu like im doing with armando?

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There are all of mine!!!

wait are you in student mode or smth maybe thats the problem

That is how it has always looked for me…

Now that I think of it I could have a student account…

now um can u play cavern survival or dueling grounds? cuz for students you cant

like this arena

I can plays certain arenas only…I always wondered why…

and do you have levels?

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ahhhh prob student account

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How in the world do I get out of student mode???

visit this topic
Stuck in a class - CodeCombat Discourse

The irony…I was reading that one yesterday…!!! :expressionless: :expressionless: :expressionless:

hahaa then just contact coco email