I have a question. Who, in your opinion, is the coolest, most awesome hero in the realm of CodeCombat?
Laters, Wizards.
My favorite one is Ursana Master Wizard.
Nice! They sound seriously cool. With a name like Ursana, how could you not be a Master Wizard?
The Griffin Rider of course. They are the bravest and the most noble troops in the realm of CoCo. I have a deep respect for them.
My favorite summonable unit is also the paladin because of their op ability to heal 150 health and for their shield.
Agreed. And their latin-style names are really cool. And one of them’s called ‘Leonidas’, like the Greek leader at the Battle of Thermopylae.
mine is ritic he can just summon a tornado while eating a bag of chips
I find it quite ironic but sometimes Nalfar can beat Ritic. Depending on whether the person know or don’t know how to play Nalfar.
My 2 favorite heroes is probably Nalfar and Ritic.
Devour is quite powerful although I don’t always use it, because you can only use it when it’s near the enemy
My are Nalfar, Ritic and Illia.
The best Nalfar ability is Sacrifice.
nalfar i bet can sacrifice a peasant for a paladin
mine is a simple archer
they die so fast though.
Of course, CodeCombat is sorta pay-to-win so the best characters would be anything that you pay for, but within the free ones I would choose Alejandro the Duelist because he’s like the most powerful out of all of them-
All the free characters have the same stats
hmm i remembered when i joined a few years back they weren’t? i didnt bother to check after
yeah but they can shoot while soldier are the close combat style and they’re good for those non-shooting units