All about types of units in codecombat

witch only heals 100 hp and paladins heal 200

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ALL summonables can kill witch as long as witch is swarmed

witch paired up with chiedtain is deadly, chieftain can cast warcry and deal high dmg while which slows stuff and heals

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ya so dangerous(20 chars)

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oh and one more thing
i found out that witches can also DISPEL! i used growth once on my burl and then she just dispelled the growth and i had to apply it back on :frowning:

added dispel and dps on all units, also added beam tower for ogres, removed skeleton from ogre units to neutral units

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coool you guys know so many kinds of enemies I just calll them all ogres

Yeah.Now I kinda want to make a topic on whoā€™s your favorite hero in codecombat.

i like illia shieldsmith

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hellom warlocks can cast grow to

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shaman casts grow that increases hp by 2x, warlcoks 4x


and thatā€™s why i hate warlocks :frowning:

same i also hate those dumb warlock guys

same (20 characters)

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whats a bomber whats a elder and whats antary?

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You forgot to add this
hero(attacks anything that can be attacked even if your self using hero.attack(hero)


Hey, I cannot understand why you got banned from all I seeā€¦ However, this is great and if you ever read this: thank you!

hi, please donā€™t revive dead topics and EpicCoder is banned so he wonā€™t see your post.

Hm, the topic is not marked ā€˜deadā€™, at least not as I can see. And the table is great - I just wanted to appreciateā€¦