Burning Ices Updates Thread

Again it’s a bug.

It says I lost, though I won:

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Yes, but I haven’t coded in many months, so my level is around the beginning Forest and not the mountains, unfortunately.

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Peter, spectate your round with me, it’s kinda funny xD (and tell me once you do so I can change the code back)

Change your code back.

xD you gotta admit it’s funny though (changed it back)

Not really… It’s actually not funny at all. Abusing bugs like this may result in a bad way…

I don’t mean using the bugs being funny, I mean what the units and your hero were saying

@moonwatcher348. Please do not cheat in Burning Ices, because it is not fair for the others, and you are demeaning other people’s solutions that they may have spent a long time on.

You do realize I only did it for fun for a second, and then changed it back, right? …

HEyyyyy ranger!!! im back, u remember me?

@riticmaster908 Yes I do.

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