I made a new game. It is called elemental duels. You fight another player. There are gems scattered across the map. Yu can summon many custom entities.
“fire-shaman” 35 dmg, 40 health, 10 speed, spells “flame-armor”, increase health by 1.4 times, enemy melee attackers take 10 dmg, each attack as damage reflection. for 3 seconds. Spell cooldown = 5
“earth-shaman” 18 dmg, 80 health, 10 speed, spells “earthskin”, increase health by 1.5 times for 3 sec. Cooldown = 5
“water-shaman” 25 dmg, 60 health, 10 speed, spells ‘haste’, increase speed and attack speed by 2.
All commandable, can do findFriends, and canCast.
“fire-golem” 250 health, 60 dmg, 8 speed.
‘ice-golem’, 500 health, 30 dmg, 8 speed
‘earth-golem’, 600 health, 15 rmg, 8 speed
“water-tower” 1000 health, 20 dmg, 60 DPS
“flame-tower” 750 health, 30 dmg, 90 DPS
“earth-tower” 1250 health, 15 dmg
“fire-mage” 300 dmg, 120 health, 11 speed, spells “flame-armor”, increase health by 1.4 times, enemy melee attackers take 300 dmg, each attack as damage reflection. forever. “chain-lightning” 120 dmg, aoe affect, 0.75 dmg multipier with each strike. Spell cooldown = 5 for flame armor, 7.5 for chain-lighting
“earth-mage” 100 dmg, 300 health, 11 speed, spells “earthskin”, increase health by 1.5 times forever. Cooldown = 5 for earthskin. “grow” increase healtn by 2, but slow forever. Spell cooldown = 5
“water-mage” 150 dmg, 240 health, 11 speed, spells ‘haste’, increase speed and attack speed by 1.5 forever. “heal” Full health to targeted unit. spell cooldown = 7.5
Each mage costs 100 gold
Towers also cost 100
Shamans cost 60
Golems cost 80
Defeat the enemy hero.
Mages, and shamans must be commanded.
Example for earth shaman commannding:
Its tested and works.
def commandES():
wizards = hero.findFriends()
for wizard in wizards:
if wizard.type == 'earth-shaman':
friends = wizard.findFriends()
friend = wizard.findNearest(friends)
for friend in friends:
goods = []
if friend.type <> 'flame-tower' and friend.type <> 'earth-tower' and friend.type <> 'water-tower':
enemies = hero.findEnemies()
for enemy in enemies:
nasties = []
if enemy.type <> 'flag' and enemy.type <> 'sorcerer':
enemy = wizard.findNearest(enemies)
if enemy:
hero.command(wizard, "attack", enemy)
target = wizard.findNearest(goods)
if target and wizard.canCast("grow"):
hero.command(wizard, "cast", 'grow', target)
target = wizard.findNearest(goods)
if target and wizard.canCast("earthskin"):
hero.command(wizard, "cast", 'earthskin', target)