New multiplayer game! elemental duels! Feedback appreicstef

I made a new game. It is called elemental duels. You fight another player. There are gems scattered across the map. Yu can summon many custom entities.
“fire-shaman” 35 dmg, 40 health, 10 speed, spells “flame-armor”, increase health by 1.4 times, enemy melee attackers take 10 dmg, each attack as damage reflection. for 3 seconds. Spell cooldown = 5
“earth-shaman” 18 dmg, 80 health, 10 speed, spells “earthskin”, increase health by 1.5 times for 3 sec. Cooldown = 5
“water-shaman” 25 dmg, 60 health, 10 speed, spells ‘haste’, increase speed and attack speed by 2.
All commandable, can do findFriends, and canCast.
“fire-golem” 250 health, 60 dmg, 8 speed.
‘ice-golem’, 500 health, 30 dmg, 8 speed
‘earth-golem’, 600 health, 15 rmg, 8 speed
“water-tower” 1000 health, 20 dmg, 60 DPS
“flame-tower” 750 health, 30 dmg, 90 DPS
“earth-tower” 1250 health, 15 dmg
“fire-mage” 300 dmg, 120 health, 11 speed, spells “flame-armor”, increase health by 1.4 times, enemy melee attackers take 300 dmg, each attack as damage reflection. forever. “chain-lightning” 120 dmg, aoe affect, 0.75 dmg multipier with each strike. Spell cooldown = 5 for flame armor, 7.5 for chain-lighting
“earth-mage” 100 dmg, 300 health, 11 speed, spells “earthskin”, increase health by 1.5 times forever. Cooldown = 5 for earthskin. “grow” increase healtn by 2, but slow forever. Spell cooldown = 5
“water-mage” 150 dmg, 240 health, 11 speed, spells ‘haste’, increase speed and attack speed by 1.5 forever. “heal” Full health to targeted unit. spell cooldown = 7.5

Each mage costs 100 gold
Towers also cost 100
Shamans cost 60
Golems cost 80
Defeat the enemy hero.
Mages, and shamans must be commanded.
Example for earth shaman commannding:
Its tested and works.

def commandES():
    wizards = hero.findFriends()
    for wizard in wizards:
        if wizard.type == 'earth-shaman':
            friends = wizard.findFriends()
            friend = wizard.findNearest(friends)
            for friend in friends:
                goods = []
                if friend.type <> 'flame-tower' and friend.type <> 'earth-tower' and friend.type <> 'water-tower':
            enemies = hero.findEnemies()
            for enemy in enemies:
                nasties = []
                if enemy.type <> 'flag' and enemy.type <> 'sorcerer':
            enemy = wizard.findNearest(enemies)
            if enemy:
                hero.command(wizard, "attack", enemy)
            target = wizard.findNearest(goods)
            if target and wizard.canCast("grow"):
                hero.command(wizard, "cast", 'grow', target)            
            target = wizard.findNearest(goods)
            if target and wizard.canCast("earthskin"):
                hero.command(wizard, "cast", 'earthskin', target)

your code does not appear to be working

U talkin to me or ranger grant?

sorry im talking to ranger

@cheddarcheese what do you mean? Is the game broken? Or does my code to play have an error?

the code that yo posted doesnt work

Did you run the function? Is there an error?

yes i ran the fuction no error pops it just does nothing

1 Like

Did you summon an earth shaman?


I am sorry for necroposting, but this multiplayer game has little activity. I want to see some more people play so I will necropost. P.S. I am number 1 and have a perfect win streak.