Change Ursara's bar stats

So it will be easier to see which hero’s are better than others

or they put like 140x inside the bar so we know the damage multiplier

Thats not my opinion, but ok

If that’s 200% it should be:
(It’s 100% here, but the title will say 200%)
See the differences with damage bar?

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Yes and you put the Multiplier in the bar so you know

Yes but 180 dps is nothing in comparison to warriors

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Stop comparing them this is not about Warriors

It is, its about the damage, not the damage multiplier

But we are talking about bar stats, not the dps or damage. It’s your choice, if you don’t like her, you can just don’t buy her.
Stay on topic please. :slightly_smiling_face:

I know I said put the bar according to the class and put the Multiplier in the bar

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This is just getting ridiculous, Its the overall dps not the multiplier and I will leave it as that

Her bar stats are her dps -_-

No!!! They are percent of damage on her wand.

At least I thought so. xD

There are a billion staffs/wands and they all have different DPS so it will be different


We are to stubborn to see each others points, lets just continue as this is causing unnecisary conflict ok?

We are making our points on what CodeCombat should do

So, what’s your point? I told you how it really is, you say that that’s not. What are we talking for? Let’s wait @Chaboi_3000, who knows better than us.

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Those are wise words @PeterPalov

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