Cpp - BackWoodsBrawl ZombieParty! :D

Hello guys.

I just really wanted to chime ind and share how much fun i am having with my wizard and my shiny(or slimy?) Unholy Tome V. I have no other upgrades other then that sweet, sweet book. So far i have managed to get to lvl 6 without too many issues ( might not be anything special though xD… )

I really love seeing a horde of Zombies rise up and wreck havoc! :smiley:

Also… I had to leave my pet out of the battle. When ever a fight would start it would immediately start attacking me. Has anyone had this issue? Such a bad doggo… No treats for him today… :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anyone wanna share their fun strategies? :slight_smile:

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Please remove your code from your screenshot.

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I will of course. But can you tell me why?

I am sorry if i did something wrong :frowning:

Done! :slight_smile:


Thank you. It is to prevent people from cheating. It’s ok, just keep that in mind.


why would your wolf pet attack you it’s supposed to help you in the battle by attacking the enemy


It’s not only to prevent people from cheating. The point of discourse is to help not simply by providing others with the solution. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” - Lao Tzu.

Thank you for removing the solution.


I have no idea :S.

I did supply my pet with any code at all.

Hello Charlie.

The fishy metaphor is an awesome thing to live by in my opinion :smiley:
Thanks for sharing.

No problemo :).


The pet attacking when playing with zombies is known…unequipping your pet is the best solution.

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