I’ve noticed that since all the posts have their own numbered URL, that when you’re reading your computer history gets all filled up. So if you want to go back to find something in your history, you have to scroll down a hundred or so history links to find it. Don’t know if this feedback is helpful or not, but I Just wanted to put it out there.
Since we don’t develop Discourse. (It’s a separate company). You’ll want to send this to their company Meta Discourse meta.discourse.org.
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Sry, I meant coco discourse.
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Wait. This site is made by a different company?
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Yeah it’s run by discourse.org. We own this forum, but the software is developed by Discourse and they help run the servers for Discourse. (They host this forum, but we own it)
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I’m pretty sure this can be closed now
Ok, it can be closed, thanks.