Favorite books!

LOL I’m still reading it… For 2 years(I quit reading it cause I didn’t like the book, but I wonder if I’ll like it now)

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I read “The Giver” in fifth grade.
Pretty good in my opinion, but we couldn’t watch the movie because it was too “inappropriate”
P.S. When I was writing this, I forgot how to spell fifth. lol


The Giver is a well-written book. Definitely interesting to understand flaws in a utopian society. The movie in my opinion didn’t have anything inappropriate, so it should be fine to watch.


Hmm . . . I’ll tell that to my English teacher!

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Dunno I’ve got too many favourite books :rofl:


i agree The Giver is a good book and the movie isnt violent there is only 1 scene for like 5 and younger should’nt watch but other than that its a good movie to.


I’ve watched that film as well. I wouldn’t say it’s “inappropriate” as such, but it’s quite dark. The whole situation’s a little bit creepy. Anyway I can’t spoil the plot because you might watch it!


i have to agree with @Deadpool198 on this but if u watch it let us know how u liked it so.

I read the Silmarillion by J.R.R.Tolkien this year. It was a very tough read because it was literally a history book of middle earth. I don’t know if any of you reads Tolkien.


I’ll check it out! Thanks for clarifying that the Giver wasn’t “inappropriate”


Anyone know the Wonderful Wizard of Oz?

Spoiler alert:

Oz was a humbug


ye i know the wizard of oz its pretty good

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I know Lol(200 charapoodles)

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just made a movie topic just so you know

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Can you invite me in?

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Oh wow lol, it’s right there in suggested topics

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done @Monsty (20000)

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the outsiders is a good read or of mice and men i highly recconmend

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I enjoy Band Of Believers, a series written by Jamie Grey. It’s a cool book for Christians, but you can read it even if you aren’t Christian. It has some action, comedy, a ton of suspense, sprinkled with a really tiny bit of romance. It’s about a few tweens/teens(plus a toddler) who have to survive in the forest because people suddenly decided that it was bad to be Christian.

You have to get ‘stamped’ to re-announce your faith, and anybody who doesn’t re-announce their faith goes to prison. The main protagonists of the story don’t, and never did, want to re-announce their faith, so they fled to the forest, and survived in the wild.

They have to survive through many things… Bear attacks, robbers, the world running out of power/electricity, and many more.

I’d say this book is for ages 10+.



Sounds like a good book!