Hey, what am I doing wrong? The “ogre-f” variable is not counted towards the goal, so the boss never gets defeated, the hero does not say his sucess line and the level is not finished sucessfully.
// Now you can create a custom goal for your game
// using the game.addManualGoal(description) method!
// Enemy Behavior
auto onSpawn(auto event) {
auto unit = event.target;
while(true) {
auto enemy = unit.findNearestEnemy();
if(enemy) {
// Update our manual goals whenever an enemy is defeated.
// This is an example of an algorithm using if-statements.
auto onDefeat(auto event) {
auto unit = event.target;
if (unit.type == "scout") {
scoutsDefeated += 1;
hero.say("Scout down!");
if (scoutsDefeated >= 3) {
// Use setGoalState to mark scoutGoal complete.
game.setGoalState(scoutGoal, true);
hero.say("All Scouts down!");
if (unit.type == "ogre-f") {
// Use game.setGoalState to mark bossGoal complete.
// Don't forget about the second parameter.
if (ogresDefeated >= 1){
hero.say("Defeated the big boss!");
auto hero = game.spawnPlayerXY("captain", 12, 56);
auto generator = game.spawnXY("generator", 41, 13);
auto scoutGoal = game.addManualGoal("Defeat all scouts");
auto scoutsDefeated = 0;
int main() {
// Spawn a few scouts, a boss, and a maze.
game.spawnXY("scout", 60, 58);
game.spawnXY("scout", 28, 29);
game.spawnXY("scout", 61, 24);
auto ogref = game.spawnXY("ogre-f", 60, 12);
// Spawn and configure the hero.
hero.maxHealth = 550;
hero.maxSpeed = 10;
hero.attackDamage = 1000;
// Spawn a munchkin generator.
generator.spawnDelay = 5;
generator.spawnType = "munchkin";
// Survive goal.
game.spawnXY("potion-medium", 28, 12);
// addManualGoal adds an incomplete goal with a description
// The description will be shown to players.
// NOTE that we save it in a variable called scoutGoal
// Use addManualGoal to add a goal to defeat the boss
// Save it in a variable called bossGoal
auto bossGoal = game.addManualGoal("Defeat the boss");
game.setActionFor("scout", "spawn", onSpawn);
game.setActionFor("ogre-f", "spawn", onSpawn);
// Count how many scouts are defeated.
float scoutsDefeated = 0;
float ogresDefeated = 0;
// Assign the onDefeat handler to the ogres" "defeat"
// NOTE that munchkins don't count toward success!
game.setActionFor("scout", "defeat", onDefeat);
game.setActionFor("ogre-f", "defeat", onDefeat);
return 0;