Hello, I’m a new teacher looking for coding games for my students. I started trying out this site yesterday, and all was going well, but upon trying to start level 6, it just loads up the subscribe screen, with no option to continue as a free player. Hitting the ‘x’ makes it go away, but it comes back as soon as you try to play the level. This makes me rather sad, as 5 levels of free play isn’t really enough for me to refer my students to this site. I definitely don’t want to make them spend more money!
Is this a bug, or is there some way around it that I am just being too silly to see? Sorry if this is in the wrong category, I wasn’t sure if it was a bug or not.
Not True. I’ve tried playing The Raised Sword, and it won’t allow me to until i complete the one before it - which is subscriber only. Also, the ‘optional’ quest for those more experienced doesn’t work for me either.
Hey, same thing happening to me. I specifically select the sixth level “The Raised Sword”, click on “Play”, the subscription window pops up and all I can do is close it/subscribe/send e-mail to parents.
@Nekro Is there no red circle without red flag for you to click? If not, replay and re-submit the previous levels. Sometimes the next level is not unlocked properly and you have to submit again.
@Nekro The blue circles are subscriber-only levels. The main campaign is free and is composed by the red circle levels. You can skip over the blue levels and advance in the main campaign by playing the red levels.
@nick i cant even play the Cell Commentary level it asks me to subscribe while it is a red level and @UltCombo said that red levels can be played without a subscription
Welcome to the forum! This is a family-friendly place where coders can share bugs, ask for help on any CodeCombat level (don’t forget to post your code correctly), or just hang out with other coders. But before you proceed, please check out our guidelines: this topic.
Have a great time!
Unfortunately, only the first 5 levels are now free. You need to get the subscription to continue on.