Help me My Codecombat is laggy when i sumbit.!
Well, it could just be your computer. My computer is always laggy.
Does the code send at all, though? If it doesn’t want to send, then that could be a problem.
this may be the amount of enemies in the level or just your computer is old
The only way to solve this is either get a new computer or just try and resubmit you code until it works
I dont think thats a codecombat problem-
@ammar_adam it doesn’t matter if your computer is new or not.
It could be that your computer only has a certain amount of ram.
And if you’re on a laptop or a real big pc that can really handle lag.
Or it could be the amount of entities in the level.
PS: What level is laggy.
I also had really bad lag on a buggy level that was spawning an infinite stream of monsters. (But otherwise, it has not been lagging.)
So Eric_Tang’s question of which level or section is laggy could be very relevant.
Would you provide some more details, please?
Yes those are usually on brawls.
The most severe level is probably sacred statue.
or kithgard brawl level 11 to 13
This is getting quite off topic, guys. Please return to what this topic was made for.