I have simulated 24,30 games and it said in my achievements that i have done it but i don’t get the money. Here is the picture of my achievements.
I should have 3,000 gems since i have this much simulating. What should i do?
Oh, and how do you make new conversations?
Welcome to the forum!
Usually, you don’t get gems unless you have simulated more than 10000 games
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December 15, 2020, 2:48pm
i have been having the same problem howdo we solve it @Deadpool198
Guys if you guys have a probleme with simulating i suggest you start with this topic
That’s the total accumulated gems from simulating. Not how much you get per “achievement popup”.
True…i think theres another topic about it but i cant find it .I think its the topic @nick posted
December 17, 2020, 3:33pm
it reset all of my simulated games back to 36 why is that @Chaboi_3000 or @nick
Hmm strange. Might be because we’re currently revamping the ladders. I’ll ask Nick.
I dont know about it my simulated games didnt get lower(Maybye because i dont pay attention for the simulated game )
when do i get the gems for simulating? Now i have simulated this much but i have not gotten the gems.
@phantomofthedark2 you’ll get gems every 5 times you update your profile or complete a level.
i still dont get the gems
i heard that the quickest way is too flick the sound button
I klicked it 20 times but i dont get the gems. i have simulated 172,662 games
Once, i got my gems 2 weeks after (gotta be patient)
I clicked the button 2 months ago and nothin happens