I'm trying to finish codecombat ONLY buying the best gears

(im not sub so i dont know stuff anyway) Well its kinda what you dream i guess.

Edit : poll deleted (20 chars)

um this is off topic @WaWa_Yang post this in the doritos topic

Ok sure (just the time copying every thing)

I’m thinking of buying Usara and the best wizard gears.

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sounds good @Code_Master

Dec. 10, 2020

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Nice it took me so much time to get to the mountain and you alr to the desert

Dec. 13, 2020


Cool your making major progresse’s

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Thanks! (20 chaaaaaaaars)

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Try to answer the question is below. (like “want to het more indiydualized support”) You will receive random number of gems.

I know, it gives you gems depending on your level and luck.

Im not a sub but i sometimes get a question