Is hero level 37 possible (free to play)

ok I am in level 41 what level are you in

I’m level 35(20 characters)

how can’t (20characters)

Ok stop hacking it or I will flag u and report the staff

it’s just a bug I am tried to tell to the staff many times

Then why are you taking advantage of it

because I want to play in the mutiplayer

will you just stop(im frustrated)

ok bye


how to talk with a staff who can help me

go to users and find @Deadpool198 or @Chaboi_3000 or @nick or any other staff

We’re aware of this. I don’t think it’s a massive problem to be honest. Just don’t tell everyone you can find.
It’s certainly not going to get fixed any time soon.

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Ok i flagged him, hope he stops spamm post and stop hack

@EpicCoder999 Yes, I can, but I cannot)

Don’t overestimate meaning of defeats\wins with one player. Time after time you get less win\lose score points.


And only there)


ok bye have a good day

ok (20 characters sux )

cya later!!!

i see u replying (jeremy)

bye(20 characters is the most anoyingest thing in the world)

ikr rite!!!