yes i sawyou tooo(20 chars)
I hate to quote myself, but I don’t think I should have to tell you twice.
Please keep it to the purpose of the forum. If you want to say stuff like “bye” or “ok”, please do it in PMs, or just like their last post to show that you’ve finished the conversation.
is level 66 iss possible
It is not. That level was chosen as a way to display the item, while it was still under development. Once it has been fully developed, it will be change to a more appropriate level. Until then, it is unobtainable.
An please DON’T start the ‘I found the hack’ rant again!
Yes do not start that
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
Hi @ineedhelpwithcoding, thanks for posting and trying to help Lucky1524, but this topic is quite old and lucky1524 is no longer active so he won’t benefit from your advice and your post is wasted. I would recommend only posting replies to topics made within the last month, that way people will actually receive your advice because they’ll still be active on the forum.
oh ok when I posted it I realized it I was gonna delete it but then I was distracted and then forgot about it
edit: what is the highest level possible with out doing the terminal thing chaboi said?
With subscription it’s 42 (archion and others). I’m on 41. I don’t know about free levels. You could read this topic