Large Update For Mountain War

I made a HUGE update for mountain war. Changelog:
Bugs with sharpshooters, valkyries, and rangers fixed.
Nerfed Valkyrie Cleave Damage.
Buffed Ranger Speed.
Increased gem worth.
Slightly nerfed sharpshooter fire rate.
Nerfed Night-Witch Spawn Rate.
Please play, as we really need more players.
Bonus question:
Why do rangers say “Err…hi” when the enemy turns around when they are about to backstab?
Please check out Mountain War if you haven’t already.
Thank you for your time reading this post


Are you talking to me?

Are you there ranger grant?

No Not right now. I have to go. Please try the game.

Ok ranger grant who are you talking to.

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I tried it said there was a error

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They say that if the enemy sees them. Your usually supposed to backstab without the enemy seeing you.


Do you have school Eric tang

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Of course I do.
20 chars

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Are you there? Eric tang

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I do not know what 20chars is

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What is 20 chars Eric?

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20 chars is a feature to prevent people from spamming. You need to have 20 chars in a post. He said 20 chars to get some extra characters, to post. What error? May I have a screenshot?

Also, please stay on topic.

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When I go on code combat there is a error

Also earlier who were you talking to?

I was talking to you. What is there or? Screenshot please.

Here is the error do you see my pic

Oh. Use a computer.(20 chars()

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I tried again it steel said that