no level start button
no level start button
Welcome to the discourse forum @xsentin and what do you mean by there is no level start button
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Can you share the link of the level that you can’t have access to.
10 level locked
Latest completed:*
Course Progress
Maybe because your teacher locked it or hasn’t unlocked it yet?
I am a teacher, all my students have this problem
Maybe try logging out and in again? If you continue to have this problem, your best bet is to email at support@codecombat.com .
Assigning this to @stephanie to take a look
Hi @xsentin,
You have level locking turned on. Go to the course progress tab for this class. Under the specific course (looks like CS1 in this case) locate the second dropdown menu. Make sure that the double dashes (–) are selected to open up the whole course. When a level is selected in this second “assign up to level” dropdown all levels before will be unlocked, but the selected level plus all levels beyond will be locked. Please let us know if you need anything else!