"Magma Mountain" Bugs and Feedback

is it possible to add findNearest? (for the lava) (using lava map)

LavaMap contains just numbers. Plus the nearest lava is one behind your avatar always.

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I lose to thedreadfulslayer even if I have more health??


You have less final score. Look at the power at tge bottom stats.

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is there a way of finding what lava trail is made by my hero and what lava trail is made by my opponents?

item.x and item.y dont work btw

Works as for me, I’ve removed items out of the map, maybe you had a problem with one of them – there was one item without API.

No, as lava is lava and it doesn’t have “color” or “team”, just lifespan and damage.

oh ok thanks :slight_smile: that helps

I noticed that when a player’s score increases, the duration of their lava tiles increases regardless of wether or not they were placed before the player’s score increased. Is this a bug or is it intentional?

My jump carried me past the area I was jumping to and when I moved right, my player moved to the right of the area I was supposed to jump to.

Here is a screenshot of what the jump looked like:

Lavamap doesn’t mirror on the blue side. Is it supposed to be like that?

When my snail teleports to the other side, it counts the lava on the edges as damaging and decreases my health while moving over it. Is that how it works or is it a bug?

Why is the mana or score again with so many decimal points? I was spectating

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Nope, its a bug definitely. Thank you

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Hmmm, i think problem with float numbers on ui side. Thanks, need to think what can do here

Not sure i got the question. Lava is damaging always.

The ones on the side of the map, they are meant to damage? Like when teleporting

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Its a bug definitely. Thank you

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