Warrior and wizard
Can someone please answer my question.
No, unless you use the link glitch (unless you mean like the 5 level limit, then yeah, you bypass that)
Heyyyy… If you don’t mind me asking, why do you put close brackets at the ends of sentences?
Yes, if you still have your subscription
No, you don’t have to be sub
I restarted w/o loosing my acct.
Did you have a subscription?
It’s a smile without eyes)
Oh ok lol
20 cars are made of cheese and rice
If you reset and you have sub on, they give you 43000 gems and and everything sets back to zero including your items. You can still access the sub levels while your sub is on, but (without using glitches) ofc while moving with the campaign. Now as moon said abt the five level limit, yes it doesn’t matter for old users, those who sign up after they put the edit will get affected by this limit. If your sub expires, you can still have access to the sub levels you played, but not the others that you havent opened. Hope this helps
PM me if you still have q so it wouldn’t be much off topic :]
Don’t mind of course)
It’s an old-stylish smile. Some might say it was invented by Nabokov (he told exactly about “)” as a glyth for smile), some recall Scott Fahlman (he proposed “:” + “-” “+” to form :-)
and still it works even here). There is more interesting information about smiles on wikipedia. Anyway, “)” became popular in some chats and forums in C.I.S. area (idk about other regions of the world) between 1990-2000 as far as it’s fast and easy way to put a smile in one’s post.
Thanks )
Char limit skip:
20 cars are made of cheese and rice, the rest are made of cold greetings
so i went with senick for start and saving for illia (alr got the gear