I can’t exit student mode though I’m not in a class.
Why are you in student mode? @Coder3 ?
Cuz I accidentally opened an old school link that I used to join class.
And I was removed from the class from my former teacher(years ago).
Have you exit student mode @Coder3 ?
Not yet, waiting for a mod/admin to reply.
Should I pick Illia?
I’m male, I’m wanted to pick Okar first but Illia is better.
Try to “sign out” @Coder3
Signing in and out wont work.
do you want to get out of student mode @Coder3 ?
Yes, ofc yes! but I want to pick a good warrior hero first.
Illia or Okar? Which is better? Illia is female but is stronger, Okar is good and male. Idk which to choose.
Try okar @Coder3 he is a good hero
Illia better. Did u use illia b4?
Okar is stronger @Coder3
no I use okar Instead @Coder3
Bruh, Okar is cheap. Okar is really good. But Illia is better.
maybe try to ask @Chaboi_3000 to get out of student mode @Coder3