- Deadpool198’s joke
- Monsty’s (first) joke
- Falcons118’s joke
- cheddarcheese’s joke
- Eric_Tang’s joke
0 voters
WARNING: you can’t vote your joke.
0 voters
WARNING: you can’t vote your joke.
I got my brother to vote for me
Well, actually, I read all the jokes out to him, and he said he liked the sherlock one best,
Deadpool’s second, Falcons’s third and the rest all equal
I just told him to click my name then. But, since my brother isn’t a discourse person, I’m gonna vote my personal favorite, Deadpool’s joke.
So… The poll is closed. Thanks for everyone who voted!
Congratulations @Deadpool198! You won the Tournament! {that means you had best joke})
Unfortunately I can’t give you a title “The Winner of 2020 - 2021 Joke Tournament”…
Shall I make a next Joke Tournament at the end of this year?
0 voters
Peter, R u gonna make one?
Yeah, on Christmas maybe.
doubt many people would be active here on christmas
but i wont be here for that anywya
gl everyoen
Oh, thats sad. I will do it after Christmas then (as it was fist time).
Your joke almost won!
yea but deadpools was way better
il take second tho
Ayy I’m back what happened here
There you go Monsty, this year’s tournament
ever heard of it?
necropost much? .-.
ehhhhhh not really