Transfer Other Account Progress To My Active Account!

Hello! So, last year in school I played code combat A LOT (it is so fun!) but I used a different google account than my school account. Sadly, this year they made it so that you can no longer have an account other than the school one. Is there a way that you, by you I mean @stephanie or @Ryan can take the progress from that account and transer it to this acocunt? The account that I want the progress transfered from is @ TFB_Wired. I know the email and password for the google account that belongs to that Code Combat account if that helps! PLEASE HELP!! :frowning:

@CranKeD_Wired we can change the email and CodeCombat password for you, for the account in question. However, we cannot update your google sign on credentials for the account. So you would need to login using the CodeCombat form instead. Just let us know how you would like to proceed.

@stephanie Could you change the email and CodeCombat password for me?

We will need your email address for the account in question and the new email you want it changed to. Also, any password requests. You can send this to I will take care of it for you.

@stephanie am i able to switch my progress to another acc?

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~ Syldar