"Tundra Tower Cup" Bugs and Feedback

what exactly do you mean by that? as in changing what tower is in what place or is it something else?

Change tower during the match. If the throwers come i want the towers to change from archers to cannons

I don’t think you can :confused:

hmm i think if you place a tower on a tower that has been upgraded before the tower will change but the level will stay the same.


I changed my team to “ogres” and it seems the easy cpu doesn’t have a red team code. And the power counter thing doesn’t work properly

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CodeCombat sent me a email to make a video about my strategys of winning. Do I reply to that email.

I don’t think they would send you an email like that

it’s legit, i made my video n submitted it

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They do. I’ve come in the top few before and you have to verify that you exist and that your really in that age bracket.

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I got that email too, though my brother didn’t (he is also in top 10). Is that a problem with registration or something else?


Why is hero.findNearest() a protected property?

I think there is a bug in the code as it does not work
I had tested the code but when i removed everything and left hero.time on it’s own, the code did not work at all

Yes, there is a bug in your code. I would say its a logical error. Think about that - whats the hero.time when you run that line?

It is 1 second when i run the code

Also please use other branches of the forum if you want just ask advice. This branch is for the arena bugs and feedback.

When does tundra tower end?

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He still hasn’t received it. Why is that so?

I think an easy way to solve this mirroring issue would be to have a different ogres and humans submission section. To find who wins just average the two together. I am sick and tired of beating everyone on the board but still losing to the mirroring issue.

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I defeated Jacob Horton hears… on both sides yet i still recieve have lost against him. Is this a bug?

There are many cases i receive this bug.

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