Uncaught typeerror just for me

(post deleted by author)

@nick could this also be related to the issue you’ve had playing the test level today?

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(post deleted by author)

Is it still broken for you?


(post deleted by author)


Just checking again before I close, is this bug fixed for you now?

20 chars

I cant leave screenshots!
If you want, I can send you my username and password, and you can see for yourself

Weird. It does seem to let me load the editor via. direct link(codecombat.com/play/level/code-royale), but the buttons in the ladder page don’t seem to be visible for your account. :thinking:

Wait a minute. How do you know my username and password?

Also, @Chaboi_3000
I can’t play!

Use this in my account

Your LevelSession had gotten some corrupted data in it somehow; I fixed it. Let me know if you see it again and what you were doing right before that; might provide a lead on how that kind of bug gets in.

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Thank you so much Nick!!!
It also returned my code to me!!!
(when there was the error, all my code went poof)
How did you fix it?

Magic :slight_smile: (Nick has very powerful spellbooks in his library)


Ok ok, I know this.
But @Nick, how did you do it?

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Evidently with CodeCombat programming magic. Maybe in Volcano you will learn how to code magic things. :eyes:


Internal tooling! I used an admin UI interface available to users with admin permissions to open your LevelSession record in the database, and I pasted in the correct value in the teamSpells field from another correctly formatted LevelSession.

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So what was the corrupted data?

Your LevelSession got corrupted.