Ursaras biography – @PeterPalov and @JoPro_8000

We are a bit late, but if you knew me as Mumbo_6 then you know @PeterPalov and I have been on this for a while.

Ursara was born in slavery to the ogres. In those days, ogres are sometimes raided nearby the human village, so Ursara’s parents enslaved in dungeons of Kithgard. Ursara was born weak, and her parents feared she would not survive in the hard conditions of the dungeon. Ogres occasionally went to the forest, to the market (and sometimes to the nearest settlements of people with weapons in their hands) for food, since there was nothing in the dungeon except stones, gems and ore. On one such day, when the ogres were once again going to the market, Ursara’s parents hid their eight-year-old daughter between two chests of gems, and ordered her to sneak out of the market and go to the people. So she did. She hid in the bushes, and when the ogres left with their purchases, went to the nearest hut and knocked on the door. The peasants took pity on the poor girl, and sheltered her. Seven years passed in this way. Ursara health improved, and she actively helped the kind family that took her in. But sometimes strange things happened to her: sometimes the field ploughed itself, then the clouds that appeared mysteriously disappeared just as mysteriously. People admired her, but there was nothing they could do about it. One day, she suggested to go to the Cloudrip Mountain , to discover the magic. She agreed…

Because the path up the Cloudrip mountain was very long and difficult, along with it went the great traveller and brave warrior sir Tharin Thunderfist. In those days he was young and vigorous, and therefore at once agreed to accompany Ursara to mountain. They walked to the end of the forest, chatting merrily, listening to the birds singing. Forest animals ran to them: cubs, foxes and other animals. Ursara with Tharin fed animals, and they have fun jumping the track. So joyfully they reached the desert, where the difficulties began. The desert was very hot, the birds no longer chirped, and only the lowing of yaks occasionally broke the silence. Ursara heavily tanned, which was not observed for Tharin, who joked that potion is from the sun. Their feet were stuck in the sand and it was hard to walk, but they were still moving forward. Finally, they reached the mountain, and realized that the desert was not the most difficult obstacle on their way. It was very difficult to climb and descend the steep slope. Yes, and the baby-he became attached to them. It seemed impossible to cross the rocks, but at last they saw the abode of the great wizard not far away. Here Ursara had to break up with Tharin, whom she heavily became friends for the journey.

Once Ursara has reached the mountain, she looked around for a while. Shortly later, she found a probably older girl than her wit a spiky blue shield on her back. Ursara asked her brave: “who are you?” The girl immediately screamed and did not know what to do. But when Ursara said “I am Ursara, Master wizard from kids. I come in peace”, she calmed down. She said: “I am Illia Shieldsmith. Daughter from the best shield maker probably from history.” Ursara was super happy. “I know you!” You are the one whose Dad was in many newspapers! Please help me with my journey. I want to find the most powerful magic cave in discovery.
Ursara and Illia walked and walked, defeated more and more ogres until they finally reached a Huge sign saying: ENTRANCE TO KELVINTAPH GLACIER. PLEASE DO NOT PROCEED IF YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THE HEROES LICENCED OR IN TRAINING BY CODECOMBAT. People who may proceed:
Captain Anya Weston , Sir Tharin Thuderfist , Lady Ida Justheart , Alejandro the Duelist , Amara Arrowhead , Miss Hushbaum , Hattori Hanzō , Senick Steelclaw , Omarn Brewstone , Gordon The Stalwart , Naria of the Leaf , Pender Spellbane , Arryn Stonewall , Nalfar Cryptor , Zana Woodheart , Okar Stompfoot , Ritic the Cold , Illia Shieldsmith and Ursara – Master Wizard .
They both stared at the sign. Finally Usara said:“Kelvintaph Glacier… Lets Go in!” So they both went on into the icy Heart of Kelvintaph. They found the warlocks, the Munchkins, the ogres and Brawlers and so on. But no single ogre survived the combo team. They got some boots of leaping to be able to move through the ice quicker. Finally. They found the most challenging passage to come through. Kelvintaph Defiler. They quickly spend all their gems in a nearby shop for the best equipment for them. There was an epic battle between good and evil here. The ogres fought hard, but not hard enough. Illia shield bubbled in the last second otherwise they would have died. The great combo defeated the ogres and went on with their journey. celebrating their victory on the way. Shortly later, They found a cave tunnel. Of course the girls went in. There was only one branch. That branch lead to the cave of magic. It was lit up with so many candles there was the best wand in history. The god from the CodeCombat world must have known Illia came to support Ursara on her way, so there was also the Master Sword. Ursara and Illia were hand in hand with each other saying “Thank you”. From that time, They were always together…

Please dont forget to leave a :heart: if you enjoyed

P.S. Dont forget to thank @PeterPalov Down below as he is clearly the one who helped me out a ton in this product


You know that you could be banned again. If you are @Mumbo_6 you were already banned for trying to make another account to access the forum. I’m pretty sure using yet another account is not ok either


@Chaboi_3000 said as long as I learned my lesson ( which I did ) I’m allowed to stay so please don’t post any more comments about that

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Are you sure because your other account was suspended for making another acc which you are doing again


Yes I am and please stop posting about it. If you have any further questions send me a PM. Cause were kinda getting off-topic


Ok cool sorry I got the wrong info from an other user.


Thanks, did you enjoy the biography?

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Yeah I thought it was great


Sorry guys i forgot to categorize it.

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Yea I liked it it was cool


Thanks so much guys




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