Beta Test Colossus Clash

Is this normal?

from rank 19 till 210
from 19-50 as far as the username shows, it ends with WAR
from 51-82 it ends with BRW
from 83-114 it ends with SHM
from 115-146 it ends with OGR
from 147-178 it ends with THR
from 179-210 it ends with MUN

P.S.: I took this screenshot a while ago, now it shows “an hour ago” for the time of submission

Yes, it’s me :slight_smile: All of them. Don’t worry they will be killed on the launch. We are using them to test the balance.

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Okay, thanks for clarification.

I don’t see a way to get the position of a unit as a Vector without making it myself, a property or getter would be nice to have.

Perhaps findByType or similar for players less familiar with coding?

Cronus’s special has lower dps than the main attack, and is counterable?
(200dmg/1s instead of 160dmg/0.6s)

Cronus bolts can miss and damage the base (or other units) from the other side of the map.

Documentation is missing when playing as red.

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Hi! I’ve been waiting such feedback. Thank you!

I can add a property like vec which returns a Vector. WDYT? Can’t use pos as we mirror coordinates and don’t want to mess with the base code (yeah, maybe Proxy works but it’s better not risk)

Can add.

I know, waiting bot testing results to rebalance colossuses. I think Cronus need some nerfing.

It’s a bug, maybe it’s a reason of OP if Cronus.

Huh? All docs or some? Maybe a permission issue as I see it.

i feel like cronus needs to be nerfed and goliath needs to be buffed a bit

Please avoid offtopic and bragging here.

Also some players are using bugs to win instead of report the bug. I don’t blame anyone, but its sad :frowning:

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Simply .pos would be ideal, but people would likely use pos.x instead of .x and create a bunch of unnecessary vectors. .xy is another possibility, could signify the meaning better than .vec. I’m usually not a fan of getXXX functions, but CodeCombat uses them around the place. Perhaps a .getPos() method?

I can read .specialRange on a colossus, but not .specialCooldown or .attackRange. I don’t know which properties of that type are readable, but it would be nice if all of them were.

I can now see level-specific documentation as both sides, but Vector documentation is missing when playing as ogres.

Is it possible to separate documentation into different sections for hero commands, unit commands, and colossus commands? I’m thinking like how properties and methods are under different pieces of equipment during campaign levels. Sections could be easier to read than a long list.

Using getPos would be different from the direct access to x and y. xy – I would expect an array or a tuple from that. My point to use vec to show it’s a vector. We won’t use pos for sure (lets think it’s a keyword). maybe position. I’m not sure it’s a big deal as a small percentage of players use this even.

Will recheck their API

I know. Currently – no. We need to update our UI for that as it was made for CodeCombat levels and doesn’t work well when you need create own sections. :frowning:

I would prefer .position over .vec if only to match up with .velocity (which btw isn’t readable on units or colossus).

Renamed vec to position. As for the velocity – need some time to mirror it and don’t break the Physics as it’s the used property name already.

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is there a way to control units because it would help a lot for making a strategy

No. Its done on purpose.

it is the point of the tornament

Hi, I’m slightly confused about the mirroring of coordinates. I think it has caused some issues. Namely, when I run this code:

def guard(e):
    colossus = e.colossus
    place =
    colossus.moveXY(colossus.x - 20, colossus.y)

def choose(place):
    return {
        'B': 'talos',
        'C': 'talos'

hero.chooseColossus = choose

hero.on('spawn-colossus', guard)

while True:
    hero.summon('warlock', 'B')
    hero.summon('warlock', 'C')

Whilst playing as blue (my colossus are on the right, I’m sure you knew that, but just for ease), my colossuses move to their right, rather than to their left.Screen Shot 2021-11-08 at 17.27.47
This would be fine if the x values went from right to left while playing as blue (if a little bit odd), but they don’t, they go from left to right as usual, so this makes playing as blue very difficult because you have to mirror the coordinates yourself to make them work.
I’m afraid I don’t have any clever suggestions for fixing this, but I thought I should point it out.

Sorry, i didnt get it. So as you subtract X then a red colossus move to the left and a blue one moves to the right. Is it so or both move in the same direction?

When you play as a blue, your zero X is on the right. What you see in Ui is a lie. Just write your code for the red team and it should work for blue

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Ok, that makes sense.

Are there any Debug tools except console.log something that would color the tiles would be very helpfull for visuallation?

Sorry, what do you mean “color the tiles”? They have a color.