Has anyone beaten "The Trials" on a free account?

I beat The Trials with Anya.
Kithsteel blade
Steel Striker
Boots of Jumping ( I used the Move method )
1316 hp

I haven’t made a try at The Trials in a while, but kithsteel is a game changer for the warrior class on other levels. Besides the higher damage, the 7m range range is just a huge improvement. Against throwers you can get to them much faster (4m faster, in essence) and against non-throwers you can get an attack or two in before they reach you. Against lower health opponents you can kill them before they touch you at all.

Also, if you have the gems to buy them, the monolith and deflector are both nice upgrades to the striker, but not nearly the improvement you get from kithsteel.

I saw the gems glitch thing, but for some reason still none of the stuff i got during that time with the gems i was accidentally given, was given back in gems so i still have negative gems, is there a reason for this? or have you just not fixed everyones yet. cause I got rid of 2000 something of the -4000 something gems already

I’ve just reset your purchases, so you should be good to go again. Note that it won’t unequip items from levels you have already done, but you won’t be able to re-equip them without buying them again if you unequip them.

I posted an issue with this mechanic on Adventure Email level - Cavern Survival.

K thanks :grin:

After losing all my stuff i paid for because of the gem glitch, I had 8000 something gems (lol) and even though I lost all my old ‘good’ stuff I was able to get back Naria of Leaf, the same armor, the precision rifle AKA the ‘boom boom stick’ ( I like to call because I like to call it that since it’s so OP), the compound boots, hardened steel glasses, and a few more after I beat a few more levels that I couldn’t beat before. I beat it on a free account! (actually just a few minutes ago) With these equips:
Char: Naria of Leaf
Chestplate: Hardened Emerald Chainmail Tunic
Helmet: Hardened Emerald Chainmail Coif
Primary Weapon: Precision Rifle
Secondary Weapon: Razor Disc
Boots: Compound Boots
-Workers Gloves
-Simple Wrist Watch
-Leather Belt
-Programmaticon 3
-Saphire Sense Stone
-Steel Ring
-Basic Flag
-Boss Star 1

And as a request, can there be more levels that get harder each time you play it and complete it? (like you could maybe make this level re-do able and get harder each time!)

I think this level is hard enough as it is

I know I did it when I was still sporting the long sword as my “winning” code for at least level 0, maybe level 1 of it included cleave.

I went back to try making new methods to beat higher levels, but haven’t put a lot of time into it past that. Better gear helps, although yours is pretty similar to mine (You have a much better sword than I did, but slightly less health, I think the trials is why I bought the obsidian plate.)

What do you have? By the way, I just bought the kithsteel blade.

I did it!!! I used:
hero: Tharain
sword: Kithsteel Blade
chestplate: Painted Steel Chestplate
helmet: Steel Helmet
shield: Steel Striker
Programication II
Basic Flags
Boots of Jumping
Hardened Steel Glasses (Could have made do with Kithsteel Glasses, but the better visual range is nice)
stuff I had but didn’t use: :smile:
Steel Ring
Boss star 1
Programication III
Engraved Wristwatch
Quartz Sense Stone

My strategy used the FindByType method to prioritize: Throwers, then Shamans, then Scouts, then any other enemies, then move to mushrooms, then move to flags. I could paste in all my code, if you want. Grand total is 24 lines in JavaScript.

When you have the Boss Star, it’s not hard anymore. I’ve done it with Boss Star 3, along these lines:

  • summon griffins
  • if enemies: attack
  • else: collect mushrooms
  • if guardian is killed: move to next area

I ended up with about 10 griffins in the end (probably lost 1 or 2 on the way), which killed the oracle before I could even reach it…

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@sotonin sounds like maybe it should be updated so the ref checks for boss stars and ups the difficulty of the ogres >:) or just block the stars from summoning…

@nick is there an easy way to “block” boss stars from being used at all on a level? Is that something only accessible from the campaign tools? That would probably be best for the trials.

I beat the trials with a free acount. Here are my things:
1.Programatticon 3
2. wooden glasses
3.quartz sense stone
4.basic flags
5.simple wristwatch
7.boots of leaping
8.steel striker
9.painted steel breastplate
10.obsidian helmet
I had 1051 health.

Hello, Corben, and welcome.

It’s not good policy to give out working code, as it gives an easy solution while preventing the actual learning part.

I think I will be able to on a free account, but my game keeps crashing.

What I Have:

  • Obsidian Breastplate
  • Deflector
  • Painted Steel Helmet
  • Enchanted Lenses
  • Power Sword
  • Boss Star 2 or 3

Walk around and kill all the ogres that spawn at the beginning.
Drop 2 soldiers without an AI at each of the trials. (Some of the ogres will attack the soldiers and not you)
Then collect the mushrooms, kill the other ogres, you get the point.

Why? The boss star is unlocked in the mountains and by then everyone will probably be able to beat it already.

Because it trivializes the level. It’s not supposed to be easy. Ever.

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