Even if a Level is translated completely, somtimes there remain English texts in the end when clicking through the “Hints” (or the equivalent in your language). They have a big blue caption and the texts do not show up in die diplomat inferface (yet).
These text are probably linked articles.
It has been talked about it in the big translation thread (Questions about translating). This question was also risen at Part of help text missing in i18n. Discovered in an article. How to translate?
As I have not found a guide how to translate these articles, I try to give short directions here. This information might be useful for others who would like to translate these text into another language. (And I am thankful for any comments on how to do these things better).
How to Translate Articles
If in a level a text in the “Hints” section cannot be translated from the diplomat section, and if it has a blue caption, it is probably an “Article”
Articles can be viewed (and edited) at https://direct.codecombat.com/editor/article.
Chose the article you would like to translate (usually the name of the article is similar to its caption).
To add i18n data, click on the [+] at the bottom
- chose i18n and expand the triangle below it
- click on [+] and choose your language code from the drop-down menu (for example fr for French)
- you will be asked to create a new section. Choose Name and put the translated name of the article in the Name section
- click on [+] unter Name to create the Content section and put the translation into the content square (it works similar to the text boxes in the diplomat section)
- click on [+] and choose your language code from the drop-down menu (for example fr for French)
- chose i18n and expand the triangle below it
click on [save] or equivalent at the top.
You might want to check in the Patches section wether your patch is pending or has been accepted.
Now the translated article should show immediatly in those levels that use this article in the Hint-section.
Hope this helps, please feel free to comment & correct! Thank you!