Idea Suggestions Thread


This ogre is a shape-shifter. He shape shifts into anything (peasants, soldiers, etc.) and tries to trick you into killing something else. He looks like a mix between a brawler, an ogre, and a munchkin

Hider: This ogre turns invisible for 10 seconds when he sees the hero, and he fires fireballs. Unless the hero has the Twilight glasses, the hero can’t see the ogre until he turns visible again. 200hp, each fireball does 20 damage, shoots 1 fireball per 2 seconds.

that is kind of weak but it can turn invisible so its ok

so in my opionoin its awesome

Also the hider looks like a regular ogre when visible.

like a brawler or a munchkin?

Munchkin, sorry(20char)

oh. well that explains it


dmg: 140
dps: 420
hp: 240

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Staria Nitime: The hero is powerful, 75% damage, 60% health, 30% speed, costs 15000 gems as a subscriber, she has galaxy skin, with a Jupiter-colored headband (ninja-style, tied around her head), and Earth colored clothes on.
Found floating in space by astronauts making a trip to the moon, this powerful hero will satisfy anyone’s ogre-killing needs.

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Can use crossbows and guns, long range, no magic, skills are:
-Shooting Star: Sends a ball of light at the nearest enemy, does 500 damage
-Goodnight: Has the same effect as Warcry

Happy cakeday @Code_Master!! :cake:


??? What???(20 chars)

Oh, ok thanks. (Is it because I join codecombat on 10/1?)

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20 characters

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Wow, very cool feature.

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Great idea! Love the name selection too. Jotting that down on my list. Would you like to follow up on what the base stats would be?

Very well-written. Would this be rather a common ogre or a rare one?

400+ DPS! Wow! Would it be super-slow so you can’t really engage from close-range?

Awesome! Jotting down.


yeah its speed is three metres per second

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Considering it has 240 HP, but super-high damage, that’s actually a great ogre to use Boss Star for.

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yeah its a match for paladins

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